The central President of ICAB Nurulkarim Akram said, “According to the Indian secular constitution, It is a constitutional right of a man to choice his own religion and also he can choice which dress he shall wear. But the radical BJP government decided to spoil the communal harmony and to spread islamphobia across Karnataka as well as all over the country. For this, they declared that no student should wear hijab in educational institutions at Karnataka in India.
As a consequence, many misdeed had been occurred in India such as throwing stone to running bus and canes by police.
The vice president of ICAB Shariful Islam Riyad said, ”If communal harmony is distorted in India, probably it will effect on Bangladesh too. So the Bangladesh government should take necessary steps on this issue.
Notable information, Last month six Muslim students of Udipi in India made a complaint that they were not allowed to attend classes wearing Hijab. When this news spread across around other districts, students became agitated. Case were filed against this issue in High Court. Consequently, violence and protestation spread out in India.
The programme was hosted by Secretary general of ICAB Sheikh Muhammad Al Amin. And There are also participate The Organizing Secretary Ibrahim Hossain Mridha, The training Secretary Nurul Bashar Azizi and others Branch Leaders of Islami Chhatra Andolan Bangladesh (ICAB).